Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's In The Bowl

So my mom makes these beautiful bowls. Plates and other things too but I adore her bowls. She handcrafts them, glazes them, fires them and gives them to those she loves. I have never used mine, afraid they might break. She wants me to use them and they are dishwasher safe she assures but again I hesitate... I would feel awful if they were broken. Until today that is.

Ive been in a funk, this is no secret. I have decided to not let this detour me. Happiness lecture from hubby or not, I need to lose this weight. I need it gone now. Heres where my bowls come in. She has made me small ones and really large soup ones and between ones. Portion hasnt been my strong point thus far, and bowls are cupped like hands, like measuring cups ready to met out only a certain amount. This ties into my next discovery.

Poor people eat soup. I know, I have a huge family and it feeds a ton of people and fills you up and stretches your dime purdy darn far. And its nutritious, has variety in color, taste, texture, smell... its a wonderful versatile item. It can be eaten warm or cold., it can be rich or thin, bold or subtle. People in countries where obesity isn't an issue eat soup. A LOT of soup. People who have weight loss surgeries eat soup for weeks on end. Those weeks in which they lose the most I might add. *I know this isn't an absolute for everyone you get what I'm sayin' though*

I went to recipezaar.com and typed in "soup" and there are 16,456 recipes for soup! Imagine the culinary possibilities! Imagine the menu! You would have to eat 45 different soups 365 days a year in order to get through to the same one again! The beauty is that although there are few that are so decadent and high in calories that you might not want to eat a ton, the reality is that even if you gorged yourself on a huge quantity of soup you in most cases could never eat enough soup at any one given meal to make you truly fat. This got me thinkin'... Im starting over. Im eating what ever I want, clarify that, what ever soup I want and there are a butt load of em. Im using my mothers bowls, cuz I love em, cuz she loves me and in the end it makes both of us happy :)

Starting tomorrow I'm starting my 'soup-a-thon' and I'm gonna see in 14 days what those results are. How will I compare to those who are surgically forced to eat soup? How will I fare mentally? Will I want to chew my hubbys arm off just to get something more solid? I dunno, but Im gonna find out ;)

Finally excited again :)


  1. Everything you said about soup is very true! Nothing beats a hot bowl of soup when you're hungry. Satisfying, hydrating, and usually good on the diet! I'd love a bowl right now. I am hungry. and its tasty!

  2. Soup is good. Like MM and Twon said...very satisfying...especially the homemade stuff. HB, please make sure to share the recipes that turn out good. And no matter what route you take we are all behind you. You can do it.

  3. Awwww guys your support means so much to me and I truly truly thank you... I know Im crazy and flighty, Im like a roller coaster... I told my hubby of my plan when he came home. Again the poor guy just smiled and said "Im behind ya baby. Just tell me what you need and Ill pick it up." I LOVE THAT GUY!!!!!!!!!!

    I am going to bore you all with my daily soup plan and intake for 14 days I apologize ahead of time :))))

    @Al, I am planning on doing the recipes and pics and calorie counts/amounts of each and doing weigh ins... in 14 days I figure Ill know how well its workin for me :P

    So far on the agenda for tomorrow? Sweet potato soup and for dinner fiesta soup... in the morning I will be doing my yogurt( hubby couldn't find Greek at our wee small store so we have to get it on our big trip to a bigger town-over an hour away!)

    Im so excited!

  4. Great idea! Go for it. And yes, we'd love some of the favorite recipes.

  5. Sounds good. Volumetrics dieting. Makes perfect sense. I add soups on the weekends , I admit they are canned, but darn it the calories are so low. Make some really easy ones, so folks like me can probably do it. "I read pour in to food processer and blend" and I'm outta there.
