Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In Need Of Mr. Bubble A.S.A.P

Today we started some of our spring planting chores. There are 90 plants to be put in, rows of beans to be planted, pumpkins as well as cucumbers, squash and zucchini.

This is our first spring here at the new homestead and OMGoodness is there a ton to do! We use only "green" methods of breaking sod, our bodies are our machines and our enthusiasm the fuel :)

Hubby hard at work breaking the over grown sod in the planters at the front of the house. These are flower beds but we choose to use what we consider purposeful plants instead of purely ornamental. I have only left one section front and center so to speak that is flowers, because everything needs a touch of color and no one does it better than Mother Nature :)
Ouriyonna has the job of "worm picker" for the worm farm we are starting. This way we always have plenty of worms for fishing :)
No hands are too small to help around planting time and baby Lilly~Anne gets right in on the action :)
I was so concerned for my apple blossoms this year as when they had just begun to come out as buds we were hit with another heavy dose of snow and a good week of below freezing temps. They are now in full bloom and the bees are doing their best to ensure a bountiful crop for apple butter :)

We have 1,200 lbs of tomatoes being planted this spring... if they have a normal rate of production. Thats a whole lotta harvesting and canning not to mention the other fruits of our labors... Kinda makes me sleep better at night, like I have accomplished something real, something solid. Sustainable living has been our goal for some time now and I finally feel were getting there.
All in all we had a great time! Home was never so sweet and hot water and soap never as needed :)


  1. Wow, I might be hitting you up for some gardening tips. 1200 pounds of tomatoes is a lot of ketchup. Cool pics and it's nice to see the whole family involved.

  2. I actually thought of you yesterday Al. I was thinking about your post where you were gonna work on your yard... you truly should check out, The Backyard Homestead. You can get it cheap at Amazon and its literally my go to Bible. They show you on a how even on a 1/4 acre or a city lot you can produce many of your families needs... very cool! And kids LOVE to get involved with plants and veggies are a great way for them to participate and be educated at the same time :)

  3. So, how can you ship us some of those tomatos? Sounds like it was a great day!

  4. this all looks so peaceful! your place must be divine. i am having serious garden-envy. x
