Friday, May 28, 2010

The Panic...

has set in today :( Ok now what i am about to write down here I will prolly regret instantaneously but what the heck, its about the journey and about figuring this thing out and being honest with myself and sometimes that doesnt fit into cute lil packages. Some times Im just not nice and today is one of those days.

Here goes. My hubby has a best friend he works with,  Nick is a terrific guy. Great family, nice wife, they have 4 kids and so on. Well, here comes the pouty me part. His wife is a big girl and she gets to have the surgery! TODAY! Today ppl.... that means my hubby will be the only guy left at work with a fat wife. I know this sounds stupid, sounds childish I know, I know but still I feel it. I cant lie, I feel the pressure.

I just want to state right off the bat that Nick is dead set against the surgery. He and Jen have been in some serious arguments over this thing and he has really had some major concerns hes been expressing to my hubby. Hes a loving guy though and he has said he will be supportive of her no matter what she decides. He says the same as my hubby; he says he wishes she wouldnt do it, he doesnt want her to "change". Sounds sweet doesnt it? I wonder.

I think Nick and my hubby are in the same boat some what. Both against anything like surgery, both have never had weight issues, both say the same things to Jen and I.... but when Jen does this thing and the fear of her getting hurt from the surgery is passed you cant tell me Nick isn't going to be all over happy about her getting thinner. Hes gonna be loving that from a physical stand point. So as happy as they are with us now, and I believe they are, I know they both miss the girls they married. Nicks about to get his back.

I dont know if its true for men but weight colors everything for us women. It isnt just about clothes fitting right it follows us into the bedroom as well. There are certain things I will do with hubby that I have to tell ya, I would enjoy if I wasnt looking like a shar pei puppy with rolls up and down when he sees me from the back ... Im just sayin' people... it crowds out or rather into a lot of places, and intimate ones as well or more than any other area. Nicks going to have his bedroom back. And every guy is a happier guy about that.

So whats all this panic doing to me? Well I dont have the compulsion to over eat, thats for sure. I do have the urge to call my doc and schedule an appointment. Which I wont, but I really, really wanna I wont lie. Wonder if I should call the dentist and get my mouth wired shut instead :)))

So there it is. My ugly lil fit today. Its funny because I honestly dont feel jealous of Jen, Im happy for her she gets to be released after today from fat hell. I feel envious of Nick. I feel sorry for my own hubby. this whole thing feels like some one fired the gun at one of my swim meets when I was a kid. I literally feel frozen on the block though. Instead of the sound of the shot scaring me into immobility I have to think of it as a good ole slap on the arse to dive in and get movin'.


  1. HoneyB, you are not frozen though. I feel for you when you see someone who is about to drop a lot of weight soon, but there are others out there who have made huge changes in their lives by steadily doing very simple things. I am trying to keep that focused and it is working for me. It has worked for you too, right?

    Wouldn't it be a special little victory for you to chase this girl's weight loss? If you start today with some renewed focus, you could be losing weight you and Jen would both be down?

    There are proven weight loss champions out here in the blogs we read. I suggest you find one that you want to connect with, e-mail them and see if they'll advise you for awhile. I did that and reached out to about 6 guys and it is working for me.

    I believe in you, HB, and so does your husband and the rest of your followers. You're not frozen. You really can do this.

  2. Awww Clyde you reduced me to a teary baby there... thank you. Sometimes I just think I feel alone over here in my "real" world and as my heavy friends all get surgeries my circle gets smaller.

    You are so right though. I can do this, thanks for believing in me :)

  3. I know people who have had surgeries. I know people who have had major complications from the surgeries. And I also know people who have lost weight with the surgery only to gain most of it back. I think we can do this weight loss thing the right way - the healthy way. Don't give up just because you see a friend get a 'quick fix'. You can do it!

  4. I've had similar thoughts as close friend had the surgery in 2007 and has now gained nearly all of it back. I think that is rare, but it happens. I'm not judging how the weight comes off (I've been fat for too long), but I know that you can do this.

    Go get it, HB. We're with you.

  5. I agree with all the comments above me Honey B.

    I don't just believe in you, I KNOW that you can do it.

  6. I've lost close to 120 lbs through diet and exercise and when I mention it people all ASSUME I did it through having surgery.

    I did it the hard way , the slow way, and in my opinion the permanent way. Putting food in a different perspective in my life and making exercise and health a priority. I still would like to lose about 50 more pounds and just keep chipping away at it.

    For years before I lost the weight, I would get the "surgery panic", usually in January or whenever a coworker or a celebrity had the surgery . I'd check out my insurance, start reading message boards, look for doctors. But I know it isn't right for me. I know many people with complications,and many people that have gained the weight back. And as a nurse I know many people with horrible complications and even death. It is definitely a way for some people as last resort. Not for me.

    Keep working on you.
