Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ended on a Promising Note...

Last night we were out grilling in the rain, jumbo franks for hubby and the kids and a turkey burger for me, and in the breaking clouds we were blessed with this rainbow.

I'm and impatient person. This whole lifestyle change is in its fragile infancy for me, being only 30 days old. My logical brain knows my progress is on track. I am losing steadily and my exercise program is despite its bumps and jags and moans and groans coming along as I strive to move my body farther and faster. Yet it bares repeating again, I am an impatient person.

I step on the scale far too much and am disappointed if after I eat there is even the slightest fluctuation. I look at my rolls of flub in a self loathing I cant seem to shake, or at least replace with a gentler, softer acceptance of myself. I irrationally think after 30 days of being "good" all of this I have done to myself should just "go away" and I am discouraged when it hasn't. I am a work in progress. Overhauling the outside seems to me at least easier than changing the inside but I recognize that the two are not exclusive.

I often listen to a Sister Hazel song when I'm feeling blue or need a boost. The song is Change Your Mind and the words go somethin' like this... If you wanna be somebody else, if your tired of fighting battles with yourself, if you wanna be somebody else; Change your Mind... If I don't put as much effort in correcting habits, patterns and thoughts that lead me to this point it doesn't matter how successful I am at losing the physical weight. I will, without correction or exception, walk again down the same path to obesity.

The last day of April ended at our house with a promise. A promise to myself that I know Ill keep. Its a promise to be kinder, a resolve to be the best me I can and a vow to have patience with the process.

How have you worked at Changing Your Mind?


  1. I can relate, HoneyB. Thanks for the reminder to be kind to ourselves.

  2. We did't put this weight on in a day and it definetly is not coming off in a day. It's like Clyde always tells's not a sprint, it's a marathon.

    You are doing great..stick with it and we will all get there together.

  3. One day at a time Honey B.

    There is no quick fix but instead of being impatient try to enjoy the ride. There will be many small milestones along the way to celebrate.

    Time moves too quickly anyways. Having the children you do I am sure you already know this. They grow up so fast.

    Live in the moment and be proud of every healthy choice you make.

