Sunday, April 18, 2010

Toes Tor Two

I adore those lil toes. All 20 of em. They are the feet of my two youngest daughters after Sunday service this afternoon. There lil piggy's finally free after being in ohhh so pretty but very impractical buckle up in white patent leather shoes.

Little moments like these, just little snippets of time are, at least I think, what every mother lives for. Oh sure we love an honor roll moment, we love a prom moment or a nerve racking drivers license moment but these seemingly small almost forgettable ones we will cherish most. The way they sounded at a year padding across the floor, how their innocent eyes light up the first time they see a fire fly or the way their tiny hands clasp around a favorite toy. Ive been blessed recently with more of just these sorts of memories that are so very precious to me, an unexpected plus with my healthier choices.

I started walking outside on our dirt road with my baby daughter (I have four daughters and three sons) in her stroller and my oldest daughter along side. It was wonderful having those quiet moments to connect with her, girl to girl as it were. We dont, as you can imagine, have much alone time. I don't remember the last time I went on 'just a walk' with my daughter and that makes me sad. If I cant remember neither can she :(

So now is a new day, and now is the time for new memories and as I watched her bare feet walk along on our dirt road I smiled at her freedom. She ran ahead, came back to be by me... we talked and she'd dart out into the woods and return again. I have all of those moments locked away safe in my minds eye and I know when she is older and busier and there's less time for walks together and shes much less inclined to play peek-a-boo in the trees I can savor the afternoons we spent on our dusty gravel road.

Just another bonus of a better choice....

1.38 miles = better health
27 minutes spent alone with my daughter = priceless


  1. have the gift of writing...that's for sure. Everything I read of yours sounds so eloquent.

    Sounds like a pretty awesome afternoon for you. Whenever I get some alone time with my 5 year old, she reminds me so much of me when I was little. Plus you got some exercise. Way to Go!

  2. Awww ty Al :)

    Its hard to get 'individual' time with each of my kids, the walking is going to be a great opportunity to be alone at different times with each of them :)
