Saturday, April 17, 2010

Morning Has Broken

This mornings breakfast this past week hasn't been like my breakfasts past, if I had any at all. For a full week now I have changed all that I consume and it has so changed me in terms of how I look at food, how I feel about it and how I perceive my body.

When I was out on the deck early this morning, before the kids awoke, just as the sun was coming out, I swear I could here Cat Stevens singing in my ear. I swear my heart seemed to dance looking out over the woods beginning to bloom with buds of green. I swear I saw it like the first morning, like the first day. In a way for me it is.

For me, like a lot of obese people, spring and summer can be scary. Swimsuits, bending over in gardens, running with children and walking with husbands can all be daunting. Yet today and really all of this week I have felt an energy I havent felt in years. I want to get out and do those things and more!

Yesterday the hubby and I were taming the wild bunch of sticks we call our raspberry patch. In this gardening task there is raking and bending and pulling and the hauling of old dead canes. My mind was soooo with it but.... half way through, my mind still go go go and in the project, my body began pooping out on me. I huffed and puffed and whined to the hubby, hes such a dear he spoke words of encouragement instead of being as disgusted as I was. I'm finding it hard to cope with a mind that is finally awake after all this time living in a body that is either numb or when pushed to keep up with my spirit it hurts :(

Working along side my hubby has been one of my goals for becoming fitter and leaner. I want to shoulder all of those physical burdens with him, be his true help mate. In the past I have wanted grand gardens and he has sweated over breaking sod and swung the pick axe for hours removing stumps so I could have my fancy. He never has said for me to help, he never has denied me bigger and better or crabbed about my losing interest after his hard work is done and mine begins (planting and weeding). This summer is different. It already has been...

Still singing: *Morning has broken like the first morning
                    Black bird has spoken like the first bird
                    Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
                    Praise for the springing fresh from the word...*


  1. it sounds like the start of a new day and lifestyle for you. How wonderful that you can begin again and your husband is encouraging you!

  2. Spring brings new life and opportunity. Sounds like you plan to make the most of it this time.

    We used to sing that song during choir practice when I was in elementary school. I have a feeling it's going to be stuck in my head all day. Thanks ;-)
