Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Holy Half a Cow Batman.... Shes Bingeing!

Ok how can things change soooo drastically in less than 24 hours? I am STARVING!!!!!!!! I mean the lil PMS devil has got me :( I want to eat... I am eating and so far I have made ok choices, prolly too much of even the 'safe' stuff but I am still hungry :(

How do the ladies out there handle this? I want salty and sweet; I had an apple with sea salt on it. I still want salty and sweet... fresh peas with sea salt on it. Chicken breast with the hottest spiciest hot sauce I can stomach and yes, sea salt on it. Im not a heavy handed salter but its gotta be addin' up :(

I want my home made ice cream... but I'm making 0 fat frozen yogurt. I cant eat this way for the next week for Petes sake! Ive been guzzling the water, cleaned the house and did some other misc chores to keep my mind preoccupied but wow, I think this is one time where I can honestly say being a female just might be to my disadvantage.

Heeeeellllllllpppppp!!!!!!! :((((((


  1. First, breathe! Try avoiding the salt for a couple meals and see if that helps. I'm a salty snack person too but for me, gum is my trick. Whenever I'm craving something, sweet or salty, I just chew gum. And I know sugar-free is the best, but for these situations I use the best flavored gum I can find... anything fruity and sweet (Bubble Yum Cotton Candy is my fave!). Good luck!

  2. Ummm..pull your bottom lip!!!

    Sorry...that's all I got. I'm not in the position to give any expert advice.

  3. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) OMGoodness Al!!!! too funny! LOL :)))))))))))) I stopped .... for now any how! I decided I needed to get more into exercise. I ordered a couple of work out DVDs. I love dance so I got a couple of dance ones then I can fight the PMS with something constructive!

  4. workout dvds are great. let me know how your dance ones go. i've been thinking about doing a local dance class where you learn the single ladies choreography... gawd i'd love to pull that off!

    hey, i'm thinking about getting a wii, pretty much just for wii fit. do you love it?

  5. Don't have really anything to add.I don't have pms or crazy I'm SO in the minority. Anyway, just know that I am conjuring up some "good eating" vibes to send your way :D

  6. I think being active is a great distraction from your cravings. Good job ordering those DVDs. Let us know how you like them.
