Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weigh In Time Again

So it was weigh in time again over at the Phatloss contest. I was sposed to weigh in today but i reached my 5% yesterday and was excited and shot the video a day ahead. I shoulda waited because today I was down another pound but I will save it for next week. My goal is to hit another 5% in 3 weigh ins. The contest is a 12 week run so thats a good ole chunk off weight if I can keep it up :)

The contest isnt how many lbs a person loses, its based on how much % you shed. I hit my 5% and as far as I know from the other entry videos I think by golly I might be winning! The prize is $500.00 which is a great incentive but more than that the people in the contest are awesome! They are all so supportive ad everyone is really trying hard to be encouraging and caring about the others who have joined the weight loss community on You Tube. It reminds me of the people I have found here in Bloggersville. I honestly dont think I would be able to fight this fight alone... not this time.

So the weigh in is here.... in case you wanted to watch. I warn you, I have not combed my hair and or put on make up. I woke up yesterday morning with tons to do and had smudged make up on from the night before :))) Also, the moment is a stolen one in the bathroom :))) The kidlets are trapped inside for the third day in a row due to rain and OMGoodness are they loud in the background :P

Wishing all of you out there a great weekend :)

P.S. Clyde and Sharon... thanks for the encouragement the other day when I was all full of piss and vinegar.    *hugs*

P.S.S. Oops, I forgot to put my weight in here for people who dont watch the video :))) At weigh in yesterday it was 266.5 today it was 265 even but I wasnt holding the camera and I didnt have shoes on... all in all thats 14.5 lbs for the contest and 5.5 lbs this week :)


  1. You are kicking butt, girl! How much is that now? 14 lbs? That's AMAZING! Whatever you're doing, keep it up!

  2. Good results Honey B.!

    I watched your video and it's nice to put a voice with the words in your blog.

    Keep it up!


  3. Im honestly just eating less of anything I want. But not when I just want to eat out of frustration or boredom... I write in my journal or take some photos or what ever at those times. But at times I am sposed to eat, Im just eating less all the way around. I only went on one walk this week cuz its been raining here like crazy.
