Weight loss is clicking along, the kids... bang on... hubby, sexy as ever and I get to have em all to my wee self; what could be better? Well you all know, well maybe not but anyhow, I assume you all know that I am a wanna-be photographer. It is my passion. Its me love. I literally get high taking photos, or at the very least what I assume high feels like :)))) The other day when I was all ranting and pissy I focused my anger and mind else where because bitching just wasnt cutting the mustard. (BTW now posted on my Fbook "When I lose this weight, watch out ladies..." WTF?!?)
Anywhoooooo.... I got a few shots I loved and from that I finally came up with my name for my photography!!! I know, boring but for me this was huge... I have been noodling around with this for 3 years and nothing had hit me. With my photography I have never moved forward much more than a baby step here, a side step there until the other day. Nothing said, "You are here, and this is where youre going." so I didnt know which direction to take.
This revelation has really re focused so many things for me. The realization of my oldest leaving the nest... Lilly~Anne turning one... not having any more children, its all coming together, and not necessarily in a bad way either. This is the FIRST time in my adult life, since I was 17 years old and engaged, that I am simply me. I am not breastfeeding, or pregnant, or conceiving or worrying about becoming pregnant. I am a mother to be sure, but my body is my own. So foreign to me, you just dont know. And this new revelation brings with it new opportunities and new challenges and I am just feeling full to the brim with blessings. I am excited about where it might take me.
Without further adieu, although I am not going to use these as finals mind you... these were just quicky shots done on the fly, but they inspired my direction so greatly. I can now proudly announce:
Mary Jane
I know my giddiness is prolly not wholly understood here, but if you have ever owned a business and struggled with image, and direction and "your place" you'll understand. It is the difference between picking a nice name for your baby, and picking the name. Honestly, the same feeling ...
So here we go. Hubby is on board and were gonna make this happen. I cannot even remotely express the excitement I feel. Just exactly how on target this is for me. I was always nervous and although I have a long way to go Im so ready for the challenge. After all the cosmos are on my side; or at the very least Im just severely blinded by the stars in my eyes :)))) At any rate Im ready... its that simple; Im ready.
How exciting! I'm glad you found THE name and I wish you all the luck in the world! There's nothing better than having a job you LOVE.